The 6th HABITECHNO International Conference
November 11th, 2023 @ Bandung, Indonesia
Create Inclusive, Safe, and Resilient Habitat
ATRIA 01 – Architectural Design Exhibition
Organized by
School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development
Institut Teknologi Bandung
” This millennium marked the start of a new urban era, while two-thirds of the world’s population is predicted to exist in urban areas.”
Habitechno is a biennial international conference focused on innovative solutions in the concept and practice of contemporary technology for housing and settlement development, particularly for low-income dwellings in developing countries. Since 2013, Habitechno has been organized by the Study Program of Architecture, School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), in collaboration with fellow institutions in the scope of Housing, Settlement, and Building Technology in Indonesia and abroad.
This year, in supporting the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals, the Habitechno 6 International Conference raises the theme of “Sustainable Human Settlements: Create Inclusive, Safe, and Resilient Habitat.” As we gather from across the archipelago and around the world, we come together with a common goal of addressing the challenges and opportunities of building sustainable communities for all.
Over the course of this conference, we will explore the latest research and innovative approaches to creating inclusive, safe, and resilient habitats. We will hear from experts in fields ranging from building technology, housing, and settlement to public policy and community development.
Together, we will discuss the key issues facing our neighborhoods and work towards developing solutions that promote sustainable growth and ensure that all members of our communities have access to safe and affordable housing. Let us use this conference as an opportunity to learn from one another, share our experiences, and collaborate toward a more sustainable future for all.
April 30th, 2023
Abstract/Policy Brief Submission Deadline (Extended!)
June, 2023
Abstract/Policy Brief Acceptance Announcement
July, 2023
Extended Abstract/Policy Paper Submission Deadline
October, 2023
Extended Abstract/Policy Paper Acceptance
November 11st, 2023
Conference Day
Full Paper Submission for the Indexed Journal
Rp. 300.000 | USD 30
Rp.200.000 | USD 20
Rp.100.000 | USD 10
Submission to IOP/Indexed Journal
To be confirmed
Please proceed the payment by using wire transfer method through following bank account. Name and Bank Address: BANK NEGARA INDONESIA (BNI) | KC JL. Perintis Kemerdekaan – BANDUNG, INDONESIA. Account Name: Dhias Septi Restanti | Account Number: 1227856626 | SWIFT BIC: BNINIDJAJPK. If you have already made the payment, please confirm it by sending the payment receipt by e-mail to with subject: [Habitechno6] Payment Confirmation_(your name).
Maximum 600 words for abstract.
Maximum 4 pages for extended abstract.
Click to download scientific abstract template. (UPDATE: July 2023)
Maximum 600 words for brief.
Maximum 4 pages for policy paper.
Click to download policy paper template. (UPDATE: July 2023)